Advantages Of Cremation Over A Traditional Burial

The loss of a loved one is never easy and while you are in the midst of grieving, it can be difficult to decide the best option to put your loved one to rest. According to CNN, approximately half of deceased individuals are choosing cremation over a traditional burial. If you are creating your end of life plan or are planning the funeral of a loved one, here are a few of the advantages of cremation.

Cremation Creates Additional Burial Options

With traditional burials, there are limited burial options, specifically a below-ground cemetery plot or a mausoleum, which can be very expensive. Cremation provides you and your family with a variety of options. For example, many choose to divide the remains into several urns, which allows several friends and family members to keep a piece of their loved one with them.

Some choose to hold a traditional burial of the urn while others will scatter the ashes. There is an option to keep your loved one with you by turning the cremated materials into a necklace or other type of jewelry.

Cremation Provides More Time to Plan the Service

Before a traditional casket burial, a deceased individual's remains are embalmed. This allows families to have an open casket or a burial within a few days after the deceased individual is embalmed. Unfortunately, this short amount of time between preparing the deceased and the funeral and burial does not provide enough opportunity for families and friends who live several miles away or have other obligations to attend the service.

Cremation provides a much larger window of opportunity to plan the funeral and allows the deceased friends and family members more time to request time off from work and make travel arrangements.

Cremation Is More Environmentally Conscious

Many families who choose a traditional burial have the remains of their deceased loved one embalmed. Embalming requires the use of several dangerous chemicals, including formaldehyde, which works as a preservative and is known for its antibacterial properties. Unfortunately, once the deceased remains are buried, the formaldehyde can leach out of the remains and into the ground surrounding the casket.

Cremation does not involve preparing the body with formaldehyde, which makes it better for the environment.

From a reduced impact on the environment to the ability to have more flexibility and time to plan a funeral, there are several benefits to choosing cremation over a traditional burial.

For more information about cremation funeral services, contact a funeral home.
