Is Cremation Right For You?

Cremation is often a controversial topic. Some people believe that the proper way to handle deceased bodies is to bury them in the ground. Cremation differs vastly because a burning process is used to transform human flesh to ashes. Although you may be uncertain today about having your body cremated after death, learning more about crematories and the manner in which ashes can be stored will shed some light on the topic and may even prompt you to choose this method for yourself. Read More 

Facing The Unthinkable: Considerations For An Infant Funeral

If you face the loss of a child during the first few months or even days of life, you enter a world full of complex emotions, while also facing the reality of planning a funeral for this tiny person. The task can seem daunting to parents who are still reeling from such a terrible loss. If you are a family member or friend helping out, or if you are the parent yourself, here are some considerations to help you navigate the funeral preparations. Read More 

3 Useful Tips When Planning A Cremation For A Deceased Family Member

If you've just lost a family member, a necessary task is planning their funeral. Traditional funerals can be pretty expensive, but a cheaper alternative is cremation. If you're considering this funeral option as a way to honor your loved one, these tips are important to remember.  Assess Urn Options  The great thing about cremation is you have the opportunity to keep the family member's ashes. To store them elegantly and safely, you'll need to choose an urn. Read More